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AKC Inspected 8-3-13, 6-14-16, 7-22-19
100% in Compliance

Formerly 'Tara's Star Doxies'
Ohio State Licensed Breeder- #CB0038KF
Burton, Ohio

Chanel the Cute One...

TSD's Blue Silk Coco Chanel ML
Blue Shaded Cream Long Hair
Weight: 10 lbs.
Carries: Chocolate, & Piebald

As I call her beautiful Chanellyyyy lol She is just the sweetest girl without a mean bone in her body. She is a calm girl, and always looks like she is posing for a photo shoot. Her momma came from us, so we were very happy when we were offered to adopt Chanel from her moms final litter. She is a doll with a little soul that is perfect. We adore her!

Chanel's Mom, Angel
Cream Long Hair
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